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"In the Studio"
An Interview with Dawn Richerson

(This interview is continued from the January 4, 2011 Artellagram... )

Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life?

Dawn: The ARTbundance™ experience has had a far-reaching effect. Most importantly, it opened a portal for me to a world deeply rooted in my soul's calling. In general, it's made me more courageous and tenacious. I am not so easily stopped by everyday hurdles. Specifically, everything I do is more rooted in creativity and spirituality. I no longer reserve these natural ways of being for creative time behind closed doors. I'm bringing that front and center. This year, I founded the Make Your Healing Matter movement (www.makeyourhealingmatter.com) and began to help women who want to pivot from pain to purpose and become powerful Agents of Change in the world. Because of the journey that began when I said YES to ARTbundance™, I am fearless about following my unique path. I've written a book, How to Call Out and Access Your Spiritual Council , and I'm sharing parts of my unique story I've kept hidden for decades. All of that, and I feel like I'm still at the very beginning.

Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?

Dawn: I could probably talk for hours about this, particularly if I begin with my mind J . So, let me share what I know from the very core of who I am. I see creativity not so much as something we do or a hat we wear, but rather as something integral to what it means to be human. It is a gift, sometimes wrapped and hidden, present within us, running through our souls. I believe we are created beings born of creativity and spirituality in that we come from a Creator, called God, Source or Spirit. So, the very stuff we are made of carries the energy and life of creative Spirit. They are inseparable to me, beautifully and mysteriously intertwined in such a way that the more we acknowledge the spiritual basis of our being, the greater our capacity for creative expression in all the forms that come in. Conversely, the more we embrace the creativity that is within every one of us, the more we wake up to connection with the Divine and spiritual truths.

Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?

Dawn: My ideal client is a woman who has encountered a point of pain or a significant life challenge and who desperately wants to shift from the pain toward purpose and "make her healing matter." She is passionate, creative and has an enormous capacity to love, yet feels blocked or cut off from her significance. She feels stuck or unable to make the turn into the fullness of the life she longs for. She's looking for meaning, movement and forward momentum, and she wants to make a difference. My ideal client wants to bring change to her own life, her family, her community and the world. Sometimes she is drawn to a spiritual business path or wants to share her story. Sometimes she wants to birth a movement or live a dream. I enjoy working with women who know deep inside that they were created for a vital purpose. I serve as partner and guide as women meet their Wise Woman Within, integrate the Great Learning from their unique healing journey, and embrace their role as an Agent of Change.

Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?

Dawn: My intuition tells me it's Choice! Everything begins with choice. The moment you make a decision and put your energy into aligning with that decision, you have opened up a world of new possibilities. My favorite moment of my ARTbundance™ training was the moment Marney said that "choice is your point of power." When I look back at my life, all of the best things have come from making a choice, sometimes a bold and courageous choice and sometimes a simple, "next right step" sort of choice. The first step of my "8 Sacred Movements to Pivot from Pain to Purpose" is simple: decide to grow and change. You can have more of the same, or you can decide to grow and change. That's what it comes down to: a choice.

Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?

Dawn: My future feels like an unfolding promise, a rainbow of opportunity I want to fly straight into and live in the center of. What it holds is yet to be determined fully. Here's what I'm working on: I'm continuing to expand offerings through the Make Your Healing Matter movement. The "Pain to Purpose" Telesummit (http://www.paintopurposetelesummit.com ) this February will feature 20 women who have moved from pain to purpose and made their healing matter in some way. Anyone interested in how women have changed their lives will benefit from listening to these calls. I'm working on creating a membership site on my websites (http://www.makeyourhealingmatter.com and http://www.spiritualbusinesspath.com), and I would like to attract mutually beneficial partnership opportunities. I'm also in the final stages of editing a book I wrote 12 years ago about my own unique healing journey. I've re-titled it Journey to Sacred Wholeness and hope to release in 2011. I am exploring options for taking the coaching I love to do around the healing journey and launching new directions in life and business into hospitals, prisons and other organizations. I believe 2011 will be the year the choices I've been making since beginning the ARTbundance™ journey will propel me into a bigger version of me. I'm happy to have this community to hold the space for that to happen.

Dawn Richerson loves waterfalls, awakenings and change. She is a certified ARTbundance™ coach and founder of the Make Your Healing Matter movement (http://www.makeyourhealingmatter.com – sign up to receive her FREE report, "3 Surprising Truths about Your Life's Wound, Your Blind Spot and Your Point of Pain." The author of the upcoming Journey to Sacred Wholeness , Dawn provides coaching and mentoring services and continues to serve soul-inspired entrepreneurs through Creative Revolutions Inc. (http://www.creativerevolutions.com) and the Spiritual Business Path community (http://www.spiritualbusinesspath.com).

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